Don’t Wait ‘Til New Year’s! Start Your Fitness Resolutions Now

That time of year is almost upon us… Yes, those well-intentioned New Year’s Resolutions that, let’s be honest, we stick to rigidly for, oh – about two weeks or so…

And that’s the very reason why we’re recommending that you don’t put a fitness task on this year’s list.

Instead, the key to a very real change in health and fitness begins now – yes, right now. Don’t believe us? Well, let’s take a look at the following rationale that could mean 2020 really is the year where you achieve those oh-so-desired results…

  1. Remove the expectations: A specific resolution, especially at this time of year, can put you under a considerable amount of stress. Even if you don’t tell anyone about your aims, in your own mind you’ve set a level to achieve at a certain point in time. While this is made with the very best of intentions, if you’re really going to do it then why are you putting it off until a specific point in the future? Which brings us neatly onto the next point…
  2. What’s wrong with now? If you’re reading this then you obviously do want to get fitter/lose weight/run a marathon/strive to better last year’s results (delete as appropriate)… So, waiting a few weeks is going to achieve what, exactly? NOW is the time to begin making the change, because putting it off is (very often) a subconscious message to set yourself up for failure.
  3. You’ll be in a very different place by the time New Year rolls around: Starting your plan of attack now means that in a few weeks’ time you’ll be that much further towards your goals. According to research* the average amount of time it takes to form a new habit is 66 days. So…. If you start your new fitness resolution on January 1st, it’ll take until the beginning of March for it to become ingrained into your behaviour. But begin now, and by the time you’re nursing that New Year’s Day sore head you’ll already be halfway to success.
  4. Beat the post-holiday blues: The majority of us get a decent chunk of time off work over Christmas and New Year. This leads to an inevitable period of re-normalisation when we head back into the mundane day-to-day routine. Add in an attempt to get motivated for a brand new fitness phase and it’s highly likely to end in failure. But if you’re already well into a new routine – plus benefiting from the guaranteed endorphin-high gained after exercise – the chances of continuing are much higher.
  5. Beat the New Year rush: Be it the gym, joining a regular boot camp class, hitting the pool before work, signing up with a personal trainer or whatever, the beginning of January is always the busiest time of the year due to those well-meaning NY resolutions. But you’ll have already settled into your routine, claimed your place and will happily know exactly when and where you’re heading.
  6. Build a support system: OK, so most of us need a little outside motivation on occasion. This is best done though teaming up with those with a similar mindset. This can take many forms: friends with whom you run/swim/surf/go to the gym with, a personal trainer, running club or even some online support. Social media is a great place to find likeminded people, and the ease of communication and sharing those little successes can be a wonderful motivator. Building this network is so much easier at this time of year, rather than jostling with the hoards in January.
  7. Turn heads on New Year’s Eve: OK, so we’re not promising a complete body transformation by the time the clock strikes 12 on December 31st. However, those little changes will be taking place – and that means you’ll be looking good. Many of us think of goals such weight loss, toned muscles and increased cardiovascular function, which of course are true. But don’t underestimate the great effect exercise has on our skin and general well-being. A healthy glow beats any amount of bling or sparkle, and is something that money simply can’t buy.

The benefits of increasing your fitness, be it for well-being, weight loss or a sporting target, is always best done with a little expert advice. There’s no better place to find out what’ll work for you than by chatting to the team at Bailey Fitness Gyms. With locations around WA and an innovative approach towards fitness, their friendly pros will be delighted to help you find the perfect path towards your goals. Discover more at





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